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Shop 3/3 Halliburton Avenue, Warnbro, WA, 6169

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Palm Springs Pharmacy has been a trusted part of the Shepparton community since 1979.  We are open 6 days a week from to be here when you need us the most. You can always speak with a pharmacist at Shepparton Amcal Pharmacy.

Palm Springs Pharmacy

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Palm Springs Pharmacy

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Shop 3/3 Halliburton Avenue, Warnbro, WA, 6169

We live in a world where numbers and data have a daily effect on our lives.  Numbers tell us what has happened and what the future is likely to be.

Things like inflation numbers that result in interest rises that cost all mortgage holders money.

Temperature, wind and rainfall numbers that might impact on what we will be doing tomorrow.

The number on the scales that tell you that you might be eating too much

Exam results that determine Atar scores that determine future careers.

And things like the speedometer on your car that might tell you are probably going to get a speeding ticket.

Like the other areas of your life, your health is very heavily impacted by the numbers and the data.  In fact, in health, I think the numbers give us a clearer picture of your past and a crystal ball into the future better than any other area of life. 

For example we know that a waist circumference above 94cm in men and 80cm in women increases your risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes.  A waist circumference above 102cm in men and 88cm in women leaves you at very high risk.

Blood pressure above 140/90mmHg increases the risk of many serious diseases and is possibly the single biggest risk factor for reduced life expectancy on the planet.

Blood sugar consistently above 8mmol/L may be indicative of diabetes and the myriad of poor health consequences that may follow.

And we know cholesterol levels higher than 5.5mol/L may lead to blocked blood vessels that result in heart attacks and strokes.

Now this is not all doom and gloom.  This is, in fact, fantastic.  And this is because we know the numbers that can create poor health consequences in the future.  But this also means we know the numbers that are going to give us the best chance at a healthier future and a longer future.

And, even better, for every number that is out of the healthy range, there is something you can do to get it back to the healthy range.

So , the only thing missing is to know your numbers.

The first one, waist circumference, you can so right now!  Grab a tape measure and measure your waist.  If you haven’t got a tape measure, pop into the pharmacy and we do it for you.

The second, blood pressure, we can also do in the pharmacy, or see your GP and they can assess that for you.

With the last two, blood glucose and cholesterol we do have very basic testing facilities at the pharmacy just to give some guidance but ideally see your GP to organise a blood test.  The test your doctor can do for both gives a lot more helpful information.

Once you have the information there is only one of two things to do.

If your tests are all below the numbers we are concerned about – do nothing.  You are on track.

If any of your tests are above the numbers we are concerned about then it’s time to make a plan to do the things that will get your numbers into the normal range.  We can help steer you on this course as can your GP.  But it is important to speak to someone about what you can do to make the numbers better.

But, most importantly, know that the numbers do matters.  It is critical to know your numbers and to act on them if they are not right.  Your future does depend on it.

Numbers Do Matter

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7.00am - 10.00pm

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Palm Springs Pharmacy

Shop 3/3 Halliburton Avenue, Warnbro, WA, 6169

Shop 3/3 Halliburton Avenue, Warnbro, WA, 6169

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(c) Medicines Information Pty Ltd

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